
G Thomas Ward Chicago headshot photographer

In an era where everyone has access to smart phones and a digital camera, it can be easy for people to dismiss the idea of hiring a professional photographer for your website. Although these devices allow you to take decent photos, understanding how essential good photography is for your business is paramount.

The type and quality of images you display on your website are reflect the quality of your business. Read on, and we’ll tell you how investing in high quality photographs can benefit your business.

Builds credibility

When people visit your site, they judge the credibility of your business based on what they see there. High quality photos can immediately built trust and urge visitors to take action. Plus, it can make a huge difference on the overall impression and effectiveness of your website. Think of the images on your site as the “window dressing” of traditional stores. An attractive storefront is more likely to engage potential customers.

Creates more conversions

High quality images aren’t a luxury. Rather, they’re a necessity for attracting future customers. High resolution, professional photos are important if you want to stand out from the competition.

No matter what your products or services are, consider how you’re coming across to your customers. If you use grainy, low-quality images, people will think of your products as cheap. This is especially true in the food business.

Low quality photos translate to low quality ingredients. People won’t be willing to pay as much for your entree, if they even come in at all. The key is to use photos that will do justice to what your company has to offer.

Enhance your SEO

The images you use on your website provide you an opportunity to increase your online visibility and make your content more appealing. That said, we recommend that you take the time to invest in high quality photos.

Images, when added with a certain consideration, can enhance your SEO and drive traffic to your site. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo favor original photos over stock photos. Make sure, though, that the photo is relevant to the content.

Don’t skimp on photography. Reach out to a local photographer like G. Thomas Ward Photography to help you to capture images that will help visually convey what your content cannot. It will be worth it and your business will thank you for it.